Cambridge University Light Entertainment Society

Year: 2021

Summer 2021: VOLES Unite!

This summer, Cambridge University Light Entertainment Society and Oxford University Light Entertainment Society united under a common cause – putting the amateur back into amateur dramatics. We are, therefore, proud to present the perfectly queer and cottagecore delight that is That’s The Spirit!

Life’s not all fun and games though – and so, on a more serious note, we invite you to join us in supporting this term’s charity of choice: The NEC Society! In the words of our very own Linseigh Green, a long-standing advocate for the Society:

“Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a rare, often fatal gastrointestinal disease that occurs in newborns. We still don’t really understand it, and we don’t know how to prevent it. The NEC Society is one of the few organizations in the world dedicated towards NEC research, prevention, education, and advocacy. I serve as the nonprofit’s Outreach Manager, because I survived NEC in 1997. I am really fortunate, not only because survival was even less common back then, but because I am considered ‘high functioning.’

I know survivors with cerebral palsy; nine-year-olds with the development of 6-to-9-month-olds; a teenager who died of long term complications. Many of us struggle to get care for these long-term issues, because hardly any research has been done to understand them.

Babies are dying and survivors are struggling with uncertain futures. If people don’t know a rare disease exists, they won’t support efforts to fight it. Whether you give £5, £50, or simply tell a friend about NEC, you are helping us save the lives of newborns and improve the lives of patients like me.”

That’s The Spirit!

7pm, October 11th on YouTube!

When Hazel and her two best friends enter an online gaming tournament, things don’t exactly go to plan… and then the storm hits. Finding themselves – inexplicably – trapped in a wholesome, cottagecore dating simulator, their only hope is to win the game. To find their freedom, they must pass all the challenges and make someone fall in love with them…Easy, right?

The only problem: Hazel’s flirting skills are Truly Terrible. Or are they? Or was the real love the friendship they found along the way? As buns and bullies abound, only one thing’s for certain… A whimsical tale of self-discovery, true love, and countryside capers awaits!

Easter 2021: Ghouls and Good Causes and Gay Things, Oh My

Hello, hello, hello! Against the odds, we’ve done it again (please validate us). Despite the trials and tribulations of the past term, we’ve turned out two spectacular… err… spectacles? With one smashingly Steampunk operetta and a whole smorgasbord of baffling C[U]LES (see what we did there!?) to enjoy, you’re spoilt for choice! Plus, all our productions this summer have been to support Stonewall; so, if you missed the live airings what are you waiting for? Get watching and get giving (not necessarily in that order)!

Chaotic [U] of Light Entertainment Shorts

7pm, 3 July 2021 on YouTube

A medley of the Chaotic, the Lightly Entertaining, the Short. Featuring an assortment of sketches and short plays, from melodramatic cake lamentations and disagreements between Dorset farmers, to Vikings taking a break from vicious pillaging to stop the decline of the red squirrel population. There are peculiar fine dining experiences, oven-shaped TARDISes, and Isle(s?) of Wight, and who knows what else!

The Ghoul of the Music Hall: Easter 2021

7pm, 26-28 (Acts I-III) June 2021 on YouTube

Basically: “Phantom of the Opera” – but excellenter and sillier and Steampunk. Eight is a singing automaton who wants nothing more than to be human and to win her creator’s heart. When the first part of that wish is granted, she finds herself part of a double act at the local Music Hall, long haunted by a mysterious Ghoul…

Lent 2021: In Which We Save The World…

Well, it’s been an exciting term, chaps! And what better end to the term than curling up on the sofa with a comedy classic – and donating to CULES’ charity of choice, of course. This term we’re supporting The Innocence Project, an amazing initiative that exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing – and drives reform to prevent future injustice.

Thank you – and enjoy!

Heroics For Beginners

7pm, 19 March 2021 on YouTube

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? Flight? Telekinesis? Invisibility? How about – the ability to bend things…? Heroics for Beginners is a highly chaotic, action-packed radio play about a couple of not-quite superheroes attempting to defeat a cunning Evil Mastermind , uncovering some dark secrets along the way. Tune in at our top-secret YouTube channel for the full de-briefing… CULES to the rescue!

The CULES Sketch Show: Lent 2021

2pm, 4 April 2021 on YouTube

Sentient prime numbers, a noble knight on a Great Quest for the Crown, a polyamorous turtleneck, an explosion-hazard goose and many more such classics can be found in this absurd radio sketch show. Well, what are you waiting for?

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