We’re very excited to share with you the poster for this term’s show, THE GRAND OPENING! … Yes, we did this show almost two years ago, and we’re doing it again. Try and stop us. Come along to Pembroke New Cellars on the 9th and 10th March at 3pm or the 14th March at 7pm to catch this delightfully silly culinary comedy!

Witness the opening of the hottest new restaurant in town- “Worlds Of Sage” (it’s a reference, apparently) – a budding hivemind of culinary talent under the wing of former fleeting TV star Harold Beakman and their high-strung cousin. There’s an astonishing lack of organisation, a vampire-obsessed chef, three waiters without a brain cell between them, and apparently they’ll serve food at some point too.
Tickets can be reserved here. This term, we are fundraising for Cambridge Community Kitchen, so if you are able to, please donate to our fundraiser here!