We hope you’ve all had a restful summer as a new academic year looms in the near distance! The fun doesn’t stop during the summer for CULES, though, so read on to see what we’ve been up to since the end of Easter term!
Garden Party & Celebrating 65 Years
Our annual Garden Party was extra special this year, as we celebrated 65 years of Light Entertainment history. It was a wonderful afternoon of CULES, old and new, reuniting to celebrate the achievements of the society! We performed all sorts of sketches, and even had some musical performances to spice things up. As ever, the DAFTA winners were announced at the party –congratulations to all who won!

CULES’ Archives
Speaking of DAFTAs, have you ever wanted to spend your evening reading about every DAFTA award since 2020? Now, you can do just that! All winners since 2020 have been archived on the website under Theatrical Archives. We want to continue to archive important moments in the society’s history, so if you have any knowledge of such moments, please get in touch with our Webmattress at cules.webmattress@gmail.com!
VOLES 2023 – A Fever Dream
VOLES is back for the third show since the Great Revival! This year’s show is a sketch show themed around fever dreams and Freudian therapists, featuring sketches such as “One Person’s Heaven…” and “Socks with Souls”. It’s shaping up to be another fantastic show, so watch this space for more details!
Crew Call for Michaelmas 2023
Our Michaelmas Term show, Christmas Calamities, is seeking a core production team! Click here for more information. No experience necessary, just sheer enthusiasm – we’re always happy to show people the ropes!

And that’s what you missed on CULES! Keep your eyes peeled for audition details for our upcoming show, and don’t forget to say hi to us at Freshers’ Fair on the 3rd & 4th October!